Lyndon Lloyd

Olifant Creative is the portfolio entity of a one-man design studio of me, Lyndon Lloyd — designer, front-end developer, writer, podcaster and photographer.

Since stumbling into web design in 1996 while finishing up my Masters degree, I've provided web and print design services for a wide spectrum of clients — including Amazon.com, Lowe's, Microsoft, AMD, Nvidia, DataBricks, Opaque, Fujitsu, Sanyo, PNC, Research in Motion and Profit Rocket — either directly through freelance assignments (latterly under the banner of 1878 Media) or as in-house designer for the likes of Future US, 1105 Media, eventi Productions and Inman News.

I was born and raised in South Africa, a privilege that was lost on me during my teenage years living in England but one which was emphatically brought home to me when I returned to the Motherland in 2001.

That reawakening of my African soul and reconnection with my roots, combined with the simultaneous uncovering of the photographer in me, came at a time when I was really finding my feet as a designer during the dotcom boom at the turn of the millennium.

My career, my beautiful family, and my experiences living on three different continents have shaped me as designer and are a constant source of creative inspiration.

I'm available for freelance Web design or photography. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you like what you see on this site.